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D ইউনিট : 2016-2017 || জগন্নাথ বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় || 2016

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must have bought
must had bought
must buy
must buy must be buying
Driven through hunger, he stole a piece of bread.
Driven by hunger, he stole a piece of bread
Driven of hunger, he stole a piece of bread
Driven of hanger, he stole a piece of bread.
designed to meet the specific needs of individual customers
designed to have along life.
at high speed regardless of cost.
in very large quantities and for general use.
are encouraged to buy ready-made goods available in the shops.
are pleased for more easily than customers were in the past.
do not attach much importance to production methods.
specify what they want and insist on getting it.
is on more costly and no more time consuming than mass production.
is a system that dates back to the end of World War II.
has actually never as popular as mass production.
dose not attach much importance to flexibility.
A telephone call is to be made by me.
a telephone call is to making by me.
A telephone call will to make by me.
A telephone call will to make by me.
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